Soundtrack's Details

Cover preview:
front cover  back cover
Title: Secret Ocean 3D
Composer(s): Christophe Jacquelin
Format: Download
Label: Christophe Jacquelin
Label number: -
Release date: 2015
Country: -

Apple Music

Other info:


01. Plancton 1:34
02. Christmas Tree 2:24
03. Scorpion Fish 2:21
04. Anemonies 1:19
05. Arrow Crab 1:59
06. Basket Star 2:20
07. Giant Clam 1:17
08. Gobies 1:49
09. Shrimps 1:15
10. Crown of Thorn 1:52
11. Squids 3:11
12. Conch 2:00
13. Seacucumbe 1:32
14. Jean-Michel 1:35
15. Lobster 1:46
16. Morrey 1:04
17. Octopus 2:15
18. Final 4:02
19. Credits 2:23

Total time: 37min 58s


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