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Christophe Jacquelin


After studying classical piano for over twenty years, Christophe Jacquelin founds his first band at the age of 15.Three years later he joins the progressive rock band ? Alambic ?, in which he composes and arranges in a style inspired by the bands of the time (Genesis, Yes, Gentle Giant, Gong etc.)

In 1982, he creates Studio Hélios, where he begins to create soundtracks and sound designs for images. In the past twenty five years he has written music for over a hundred documentaries, short films, cartoons, video games, as well as 30 CDs.

Since 2002, he has mostly composed music for albums and films, especially for 3D Entertainment, which produces underwater films in 3D for IMAX theatres. Directed by Jean Jacques Mantello and presented by Jean Michel Cousteau, these films have been seen by thousands of spectators worldwide. The film ? Undersea Voyage ?, distributed by ? Wild Bunch?, will be in digital 3D theatres in September 2009.

The music was recorded in Bulgaria with the ? National Symphonic Orchestra ?, directed by Patrick Souillot, and then reworked in his own studio. He also creates the sound design and the sound effects, careful to respect the coherence of the soundtrack.

An album is a year of work (? ?a life plus a year of work? ?) and a lot of investment in an uncertain future. But passion has its reasons? Christophe Jacquelin works like a filmmaker: he composes, imagines the musical space, and then searches for the singer, the leading actress of the sound scenario. The future can thus sometimes be far away.

Projects are in the works: notably an animated film as well as a cartoon series, directed by Fabrice Luang Vija of ?Fargo?. A new album is in the composition phase. Christophe is also restructuring the distribution of the ? Papa te Raconte ? collection (fairy tales told by Pierre Alain de Garrigues, one of the most famous voices in France) and several new tales will be coming out this year.

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