Soundtrack's Details

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Title: Amazon
Composer(s): Alan Williams
Format: Regular CD
Label number: HY20004-2
Release date: 1997
Country: USA

Screen Archives

Other info:
Review at SoundtrackNet
Review at Tracksounds

Amazon IMAX musical suite

01. Amazon (1.54)
02. Mamani (3.18)
03. The Journey Begins (3.26)
04. Bolivian Village (1.44)
05. The Rain/Searching For Herbs (3.09)
06. Animal Montage (2.05)
07. Underwater (1.41)
08. The River (2.16)
09. Flight (1.47)
10. Faces From The Past (2.17)
11. The Zoe (3.01)
12. Mamani Arrives (3.49)
13. The Dart Of Death (1.32)
14. The Village (2.16)
15. Meeting At The Market (2.26)
16. Journey's End (2.22)
17. End Credits (2.07)

Total time: 41min 10s

Music composed and conducted by Alan Williams
Produced by Alan Williams
Orchestrations by Larry Rench
Scoring Mixer: Scott Cochran
Recorded at Sony Scoring Stage, Culver City, CA
Mixed at Signet Sound, Hollywood, CA
Music coordinator: Audrey DeRoche
Ethnic Woodwinds performed by Brice Martin
Principal percussionist: Alan Vavrin
Concertmaster: Peter Kent
Orchestra contractor: John Rosenberg
Music preparation: DeRoche Music
Music editor: Joe St.John

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